Archive for October, 2013

Royal Navy

Posted: 28th October 2013 in Uncategorized

Welcome to the British Royal Navy of Habbo Website!

The British Royal Navy was founded on the 27th October 2013. We are looking to become one of the biggest Navy operations on Habbo ad guess what? You can help! By joining us and inviting your friends to join us you can help us become a big Navy, plus, it’ll help you gain prestigious promotions; maybe even all of the way up to Flag officer ranks! All of the information that you could ever need about the Royal Navy is on this website. We answer all of the questions that you could possibly think on one the pages on this site.

If you would like to enter our cadet program then visit the Royal Naval College of Habbo page. If you would like to transfer then visit the Transfers page.

The person that runs the entire Royal Navy is the First Sea Lord. This position is currently held by .STEVE09.