
Royal Navy Transfers Policy

The Royal Navy Transfer Policy is designed to help build the Royal Navy but also to help secure it by ensuring that only trusted people have administration rights. With administration rights, staff are able to grant or remove rights, approve or decline memberships and remove existing staff. This means that we want to ensure the safety and job security of all of members of staff and to ensure that the Royal Navy is active at all times and isn’t trashed. For this reason our policy contains stringent guidelines that ensures that safety of current staff members and the Royal Navy headquarters.

There is no fixed rank that you are granted. We determine your rank using experience that we extract from your profile. This information includes:

  1. The length of your Habbo membership.
  2. The number of groups that you belong to.
  3. How many, if any, restricted groups you belong to.
  4. The popularity of your former headquarters.
  5. Your former rank.
  6. Your achievement points.


To transfer into the ROyal Navy you must meet the following requirements:

  1. You must have some experience in a military.
  2. You must have at least one-thousand (1,000) achievement (activity) points.
  3. You must belong to at least one (1) military group;
  4. or one (1)  British Security Service (e.g. MI6 (SIS), MI5, GCHQ).

You cannot transfer to rank above Captain. This is because ranks above Captain require specific training that you can only acquire through gradual promotion.

If you do not meet the above requirements then you will not be offered a rank above Cadet. This is because the above guidelines require significant experience in order to function properly within the Royal Navy.

You may not transfer using experience that you gained on another account! We will only use the experience that you show on your current account. No exceptions.

Administration Rights

You cannot acquire administration rights after transferring without paying for them. Transfers to ranks above Warrant Officer First Class will be offered administration rights for a discounted price of ten (10) Coins. The normal price is fifteen (15) Coins.

This helps the Royal Navy to control the safety of it’s staff.

For your information: The Royal Navy Headquarters and the Royal Naval College are perfectly operational without the need for Administration Rights.

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